You won’t get anywhere on the Road to Reliability™ without effective leadership:
- Leadership is required to move away from the status quo and take your first step on the road to improvement.
- Leadership is required to determine the vision and stay the course along this winding and sometimes bumpy road.
- Leadership is required to bridge the gap with other parts of the organisation. Reliability is something that can only be achieved when operations, maintenance, engineering, contracting & procurement work together towards a shared vision.
- Leadership is required to overcome the resistance you will encounter along the way - and you will.
- Leadership is required to embed all the changes along the way to make sure it all sticks and doesn’t become the flavour of last month. Leadership is required to build the right culture – a reliability culture, because without the right culture all that change that you implement won't be sustained.
The importance of plant leadership in reliability has been long talked about, but Terrence O’Hanlon from has really brought this to the forefront in recent years with his work around Reliability Leadership® and the Certified Reliability Leader (CRL) program. We are grateful for the work of Terrence O’Hanlon and other thought leaders like Winston Ledet, John Moubray, Anthony ‘Mac’ Smith, Ron Moore and of course Richard ‘Doc’ Palmer.
Reliability Leadership® is a registered trademark of Netexpress USA Inc. DBA