
Escape the vicious cycle
of reactive maintenance

  • Simple 4-part framework to create a Reliable Plant
  • No major upfront investments
  • Implement with your team, not consultants

Stuck in a reactive maintenance nightmare?

  • Your equipment breaks down
  • Targets are missed
  • Costs are sky-high
  • You’re firefighting daily
  • Your team’s burnt out

… and you’re blamed. Sound familiar?

improve reliability with the Road to Reliability Framework™

Here’s the deal


Whilst you’re facing this relentless pressure, all the market offers you are complex frameworks, expensive new software and slogans like “it’s a marathon, not a sprint.”

But let’s face it:

  • Complexity won’t fix your chaos.
  • you don’t have the budget for new software
  • or the time to run that marathon

Nor should you.

At Reliability Academy, we believe in Making Reliability Simple.

The Road to Reliability Framework™

Most frameworks for improving reliability are unnecessarily complex. We created a simple, proven framework with just 4 Essential Elements:

Increase your maintenance workforce by 35% without hiring anyone. Reduce costs, improve safety and increase morale.
Learn more about Planning & Shceduling

40% - 60% of PMs add little value. Learn how to eliminate them to reduce workload, reduce costs and increase uptime.
Learn more about Preventive Maintenance

80% of failures that occur in a plant have occurred before. Fix them forever and stop forever fixing.
Learn more about Default Elimination

70% of change initiatives fail. Without Leadership, you'll get nowhere. Without Culture, you won’t sustain anything.
Learn more about Leadership & Culture

You are not alone


Thousands of companies around the world are bogged down by breakdowns and high maintenance costs. 

With better maintenance and higher reliability they could reduce total operating costs by 4% and 12%, with a massive impact on profitability. 

Unfortunately, too many companies believe this is a complex process that can’t be done without a lot of consultants and massive investment.

And so they continue to suffer. Unnecessarily. 

You can turn this around


Yes, its tough to escape that vicious cycle of reactive maintenance. Especially if you’ve never done it before.

But experience shows that the journey to a Reliable Plant is quite predictable. And when the problems are predictable the solutions become predictable as well.

We’ve distilled this into a simple, proven framework and train teams across the globe how to implement this framework through our Reliability Academy training courses.

We’ll train your team to:

  • eliminate waste in execution
  • get rid of the non-value tasks
  • eliminate those repeat failures.

And coach you to drive change with leadership, and sustain it with culture.

To date we have:

  • helped 100+ companies
  • trained 1000+ industry professionals
  • across 50+ countries
  • in all major industries

From Burnt-Out to Best-in-Business

Here is what clients who start in a reactive maintenance environment can expect to achieve over time:

  • 35% increase in your workforce without hiring anyone
  • 20% sustainable reduction in maintenance costs
  • 90% reduction in downtime

Those improvements will directly impact the bottom line and improve profitability.

Good for the company, and great for your career.

And your team? They will appreciate that you:

  • lowered stress levels
  • increased pride in their work
  • and improved safety

“Today we do exactly what is proposed in the course… the impact has been huge”

TIP Europe had approximately 100 employees in France, Italy, and Spain, from all levels of the organisation complete our training.

The impact has been huge: regions undertaking the Reliability Academy training experienced a productivity improvement of 16%, double the performance of other regions.

For the business this meant an annual 7-figure improvement in the bottom line for a once-off 5-figure investment. For Didier it meant promotion.

Are you next?

The Roadmap to Creating a Reliable Plant

Our Road to Reliability Framework™ converts to an easy to understand roadmap:

Steps Task
Step 1: As a leader you complete a Reliability Strategy Sprint to ensure you understand the model and have the necessary tools to drive & sustain the change.
Step 2: Implement maintenance Planning & Scheduling to ensure you achieve good productivity and a stable working environment
Step 3: Create an effective and efficient Preventive Maintenance Program so you use your scarce resources (time & money) wisely
Step 4: Eliminate the repeat failures through Defect Elimination and Root Cause Analysis.

Along the way you drive the change with Leadership and sustain it with Culture.

Can you really afford to not do this?


That reactive maintenance environment is costing the business hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars per year.

But getting support for investing in maintenance & reliability can be hard, especially in reactive environments.

However, the first real investment on our roadmap is planning & scheduling which you can implement yourself with a small investment and a massive ROI.

You will increase workforce by 35% without hiring anyone.

What is that worth?

For a reactive maintenance team with 50 technicians that cost the business $50 per hour that’s worth over $500,000 per year.

Want to know what it would be worth for you? Download our Wrench Time Calculator and calculate it for yourself.

Educating your team is key to your success

The secret to creating a reliable plant without massive investment or lots of external consultants is simple:
educate your team. Teach them what they need to know. Show them how to implement it. That’s our purpose.

Implementing Maintenance
Planning & Scheduling

Learn what maintenance planning & scheduling is, how it creates value in an industrial environment and how to successfully implement it.

We offer courses on Maintenance Planning & Scheduling tailored to those leading an implementation, practitioners like planners and schedulers, managers, and frontline staff.

Developing and
Improving Preventive
Maintenance Programs

Learn how to develop or improve your Preventive Maintenance program using the principles of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) so you can achieve higher reliability with less maintenance.

We will offer this course on Preventive Maintenance in versions tailored to practitioners, managers, and frontline staff

Implementing Defect
Elimination & Root
Cause Analysis

Learn the powerful principles of Defect Elimination and Root Cause Analysis and how to implement both in your organisation. Learn how to fix forever, and stop forever fixing.

We offer courses on Defect Elimination and Root Cause Analysis tailored to those leading an implementation, practitioners like planners and schedulers, managers, and frontline staff.

Leading Maintenance &
Reliability Improvement

Aimed at maintenance managers with a strong technical background, this course teaches leaders how to develop, sell and implement maintenance and reliability improvement programs that deliver sustainable results.

There will be a single version of this course aimed at managers around the globe that lead maintenance & reliability teams.

Get your copy of the Road to Reliability Framework™ and reduce downtime by 90%

Reliability Book

Get your copy of the Road to Reliability Framework™ and reduce downtime by 90%

Reliability Book

Get your copy of the Road to Reliability Framework™ and reduce downtime by 90%

Reliability Book