
About the Reliability Academy


It’s reliability. As simple as it can be.

Two decades of world-wide experience
encountering the same problem again and again

Hi, my name is Erik Hupjé, founder of The Reliability Academy and I developed the Road to Reliability Framework™. It’s unique in its simplicity, yet it’s highly effective.

For the last 20 years I’ve worked in asset management, and specifically maintenance & reliability in the upstream oil & gas industry. I’ve worked in The Netherlands, United Kingdom, the Philippines, the Sultanate of Oman and Australia.

Everywhere I’ve seen the same problems again and again.

People in charge of maintenance and reliability are busy fighting fires. Working in highly reactive environments. Almost never a chance to look ahead and think about longer term improvements. Running from crisis to crisis.

As an industry we know how we should manage maintenance and reliability. But within individual organisations this knowledge is often not there where it matters.

Too often those in charge of maintenance & reliability don’t know how to avoid the fires.
Or they don’t have the skills to bring about the change that will stop the fires.


Imagine if your plant was highly reliable, cost-effective and safe. All at the same time. Each and every day.

Working in an environment like this is stimulating. The culture is strong and positive. The relationships are trusting and you can put your energy into improving things. It’s an environment in which the people and the plant thrive. Sadly though, not many plants around the world operate in an environment like this. But it’s possible. In fact, there’s less stopping you than you might think.

What would you give to achieve this in your plant?

increase in availability
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You too can achieve high reliability
using our simple 4-step framework

But just because few plants around the world have achieved such an environment does not mean it is complicated or difficult. Sure it’s hard work. And it takes time. But what needs to be done can be summarised in a surprisingly simple framework.

And that’s one of things that frustrates me the most.

Somehow we’ve got people convinced that to achieve high reliability you need to successfully implement a model with 10 or 20 different elements. Most of these models are complex. And the idea of having to implement all those elements would be daunting to just about everyone.

But you know what?

These models are more complex than they need to. You don’t need 10 or 20 elements to achieve high reliability. In my experience the “Best of the Best” get to World Class Reliability by doing the basics really well. And that’s not just my experience, industry research shows the same.

Adopt an overly complicated approach like we discussed and you lose sight of those essential basics. Lose sight of the basics and you’re doomed. You’re doomed to a life of low reliability.

I like to keep things as simple as possible. 

That’s why I developed a very simple model called the Road to Reliability Framework™ which consists of just 4 Essential Elements that you need to worry about. 

It is easy to understand. 

It helps you focus on what’s important. 

And it works.

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Let them speak for us

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When those in charge of managing maintenance & reliability turn to the market for help they are often let down for a range of reasons:

But improving reliability is a marathon, not a sprint.

It takes time. And often it takes quite a bit longer than you want to hire consultants for. Let’s be honest, hiring good consultants to change your business is expensive. Not something most companies can afford to do for a long time. But, companies also can not afford to ignore reliability for a long time. The solution is quite simple. You need to achieve reliability (mostly) on your own.

To succeed you need:

And that’s exactly what’s on offer through the Reliability Academy.

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In case you’re wondering who I am...

I’m not big on social media and I prefer to keep to myself.

But I also understand that when I put something like the Road to Reliability Framework™ online, people may well want to know a bit about the person behind it.

And if you still want to know more, then get in touch.


Download our eBook now and learn the Road to Reliability Framework™

We believe in your people and empowering them to drive maintenance improvement in your business.